Due to advancements in pediatric care, an increasing number of adolescents with chronic medical conditions are reaching adulthood. Specific health care transition planning is required to prevent adverse health outcomes in this population. The Med-Peds Program for Adolescent and Adult Transition to Health (PATHways) was founded in 2015. The team works with social workers and case managers, and provides consultation to primary and specialty inpatient teams to help formulate a transition plan for the patient. Our goal is to help improve health care transitions among patients aged 14-25 with chronic medical conditions. Through our consult service, we reach patients admitted to our pediatric and adult hospitals and patients referred to our outpatient Med-Peds clinic. Consultations address the following key areas: maintaining health insurance, providing referrals to adult-centered primary and specialty care, assessing health care skills and providing resources to further develop them, assessing the need for adult guardianship and providing resources to families, creating portable health summaries for patients and families, and connecting families to educational and vocational training resources and independent living. Our team provides specific tools developed by Got Transition, the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Physicians, and by our program to patients and families.

transition referral